BLOG 6 “How to Translate “Mare Speak” in 3 Easy Lessons.


BLOG  6  May 10 2018


“What the Hell is thhhaaaaatttt?” Rhett  posed quizzically as Sage stormed towards him.

“HELL, you’ve just met hell” screamed Sage…”

~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~

“Welcome to your new life and home Rhett!”

I’d love to say it all went off without a hitch. I have no documentation from overnight except what I could hear, but from the looks of the torn up row of dirt next the shared fenceline AND his wet-dried, sweat-dried black coat from the wetness,

I’d say he’d been moving his feet nonstop since coming off the trailer the night before.  

He didn’t eat, wouldn’t graze, hadn’t had a drop of water.  He just stared longingly off at the herd that keep grazing further and further away.

“Hello… hello???  can anyone help me?!?” Rhett screamed.

Briefly seeing his history with ropes around his legs and on the ground near him was enough to show me liberty would be the safest way for all for his introduction.  I slowly opened the gate and he flew to where the other horses were.


Since he hadn’t been in a herd in over almost 5 years, he was, of course, very curious.  Koda and Sarah were very interested to see him but Sage was having no part of it and caused quite a bit of drama when  Rhett approached her herd! (Language Lesson) 

“What the Hell is that?” Rhett asked quizzically as Sage stormed towards him.

“Hell, you’ve just met hell ” screamed Sage!   


Click below to watch 30+second videos of Sage and Rhett…

“Mare Speak !”

“Mare Speak 2 !”

“MareSpeak 3 !”

Once I caught Sage at the end of the day so that Rhett could actually touch Koda and Sarah, they they sniffed and became instant friends.   Sage, not so much!!  (Learning Lesson)


“Hello…will you be my new friend!” Rhett said to Koda!

And Sarah found her ‘hunk ‘o burning love’ !

“Allow me to introduce you to a studmuffin!  I am stunning in case you hadn’t noticed or no one told you!!”  Rhett boasted as he slowly sauntered through the pasture following the herd.  Sage was not letting anyone stop moving! (Language Lesson)


Next:   The  Story between Horse and Human begins…

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